
Unveiling the Invisible: Pakistan’s Data Gap 

Unveiling the Invisible: Pakistan’s Data Gap 

With only seven years before Pakistan must meet its Vision 2030, it seems there is a hindrance to its path. Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires reliable data that is not only gender inclusive but accounts for other marginalized groups to be included to create holistic solutions to the country’s growing problems. Currently, Pakistan ranks at 128/166 to achieve the SDGs. 

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Culture of State Archives in Pakistan

Culture of State Archives in Pakistan

In today’s world archives are considered to be a creative cultural technology that shapes memory Culture of State Archives in Pakistan Dr. Nadeem Omer Tarar Archives as an institution of the modern state has predated the British colonial state in South Asia. The...

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The Past as Present: DIGITIsATION of the Punjab Archives

The Past as Present: DIGITIsATION of the Punjab Archives

The archives are a nation’s and a people’s DNA. Access to them and their examination is the only way to learn from the past and progress in the present and the future. The Past as Present: Digitisation of the Punjab Archives By Yaqoob Khan Bangash History ‘is...

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Ignored archives mean historical dementias

Ignored archives mean historical dementias

The question is whether we are ready to face an authentic account of history distilled through archives? Ignored archives mean historical dementias Zafarullah Khan We are not a society of record. Shockingly we don’t preserve our historical records prudently and make...

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Archiving Pakistan’s Diverse and Rich History

Archiving Pakistan’s Diverse and Rich History

CAP’s Team Contribution Merriam-Webster dictionary defines archives as both a noun and a verb, “a place that holds public records and historical material, a repository or collection of information,” and the act to file or collect such materials.[1] However, an archive...

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Public Archivist Par-Excellence; Ahmad Salim

Public Archivist Par-Excellence; Ahmad Salim

My friend Ahmad Salim the poet, the novelist, the author, the historian, the chronicler and more importantly a dedicated political archivist is a unique civilizational person. I came to know him as the editor of monthly Jafakash, Karachi back in 1985 when I met him...

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Girls’ Education During Pandemic

Girls’ Education During Pandemic

Zainab Zafar Pakistan already sits in a standstill with eradicating its illiteracy rates, with the ongoing pandemic the socioeconomic barriers towards curbing the problem have only widened. Girls in particular were at the short end of the stick. With 22.8 million...

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Citizens’ tracking of Right to Education

Citizens’ tracking of Right to Education

The 18 the Constitutional Amendment made Right to Education a justiciable fundamental right with the following pledge; ‘The State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of five to sixteen years in such manner as may be determined by...

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Time to Transform Education

Time to Transform Education

CW-Report Making sure all girls are finishing secondary education by 2030 could boost the gross domestic product (GDP) of developing countries by 10% on average over the next decade, says a report by Plan International. It says ‘every single dollar ($1) spent on...

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The State of Democracy: Why We Stand Where We Stand?

The State of Democracy: Why We Stand Where We Stand?

Let me begin by making a few things plain about ethos, values, spirit and the foundational ideas that define modern day democracy. In everything it represents and stands for, the man, the people, the community and society have the right to rule themselves—to be...

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Communicating Though Cartoons

Editors Note

As Pakistan celebrates 76 years of independence, there are milestones to celebrate and actions to condemn. The journey to achieving the Pakistan that was dreamt of in 1947 remains tough. Today, Pakistan ranks 128th in the Sustainable Development Goals Index. From lack of inclusion to a need for grassroots-level democracy, Citizens Wire aims to serve as a knowledge base for the Sustainable Development Goals in Pakistan. Lifting the voices of the youth through media publications, we hope to raise awareness and contribute towards achieving Vision 2030. Access to our written publications, videos and SDGs legislative knowledge base can be found on the website. For any further information please contact us at: